Mist Eliminators
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Mist Eliminators

The most widely used mist eliminator in industrial applications is the knitted-wire-mesh type. These mesh eliminators consist of a pad of knitted wire mesh packed between two rigid grids for support. Liquid droplets accumulate on the wires, while vapor flows upward through the mesh pad. Gravity causes the liquid to drain from the mesh.


The most widely used mist eliminator in industrial applications is the knitted-wire-mesh type. These mesh eliminators consist of a pad of knitted wire mesh packed between two rigid grids for support. Liquid droplets accumulate on the wires, while vapor flows upward through the mesh pad. Gravity causes the liquid to drain from the mesh.

Advantages  :

  • Based on your process requirements, we provide a recommended pad area derived from our hydraulic calculations. 

  • We then design the optimal configuration to fit the separator's dimensions and achieve maximum efficiency. 

  • These pads can be customized in circular, rectangular, cylindrical, or V-shaped forms. 

  • Each pad is supplied with top and bottom grids and fixing hardware.

mesh mist eliminator

The following list summarizes some types of mesh mist eliminator designed and supplied by Ekaislot.

mesh mist eliminator

vane mist eliminator

Vane Mist Eliminators

Specially profiled chevron style baffle plates are the secret of our vane mist eliminators. These mist eliminators remove liquid droplets from a vapor stream by the inertial impact of droplets with the baffle plate. Meanwhile, the gas follows a zigzag path between the baffles.

Vane mist eliminator provides higher capacity of handling gas load. Moreover,  if vanes are installed in a horizontal flow instead of vertical gas flow, it can  handle still higher gas velocities. It is less efficient in removing very small  droplets compared to mesh type. Standard design is for removal of droplets  larger than 30 µm, and we can propose special design of high efficiency for  removal of droplets around 15 µm.

Features include: 

  • No Drainage Channels 

  • Open Drainage Channels (Single Pocket) 

  • Enclosed Drainage Channels (Double Pocket) 

  • Fouling resistance can be accommodated within the range.

Plate Pack Coalescers

Liquid/Liquid Separator : 

ESP Plate Pack Coalescers

Liquid-Liquid separators are commonly employed to remove oil or other  hydrocarbon components from water.  Ekaislot can provide you the plate coalescer design to aid in coalescing oil droplets in the water and water droplets in the oil.If your process requires the separation of two or three phases, Coalescers perform very effectively.

Designed and manufactured for easy installation and removal for maintenance, Coalescers are well proven  across many applications.

Liquid/Gas and Liquid/Liquid Separators

Our Separator Internals are designed based on established industry standards and feature unique mechanical enhancements to deliver reliable and efficient performance. Through rigorous modeling of separation efficiency and capacity, we optimize both equipment geometry and system properties, ensuring superior performance and reliability.

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